I managed to work a little yesterday. Not a lot, but a scene where I let the reader know more about how the city works. Not sure if John will think it is necessary. Maybe I will shorten it a lot and keep the pace. He just wants me to get to the more interesting part now, but I need the slow moments before switching. The decision of the main character will have a different feel if I do not.
I had the rest of my pizza for lunch and even though it was good I regretted it. Pizza for lunch after pizza for dinner never feels good in my stomach. I wish I had not, but then again, it was good. I made myself ready and around three we left the apartment. John would meet us later so we had no rush.
At the center of VivoCity there was an exhibition of the new Star Wars movie. I am so uninterested in Star Wars I did not even know it was for promoting the "second" new movie until Rebecka told me. Merchandise was sold in small stores around the big AT-AT (John told me the name); the thing was actually well done! We walked around in different stores and bought coloured pencils for me at Giant. Leaving that store we entered ColdStorage next door and bought sushi to snack on until dinner. I was cold and so I suggested we would eat outside. There were some ants where we sat but I was cool, I was fine... until they showed interest in the spilled soy sauce. Then we shifted to another round bench thing but... they found us. Luckily we were done and I could get into safety inside!

Since the plans for a movie were cancelled (by me) we made our way toward the escalator down to the MRT. On the way though we passed H&M and I asked for a quick run inside. We walked around in the sale area and I managed to find seven items I wanted to try. So I stood in line and then tried them on. Then I changed colour of one item and picked two more of the same but in another colour. So, I bought one black casual dress, three pairs of shorts (red, black and green), a pair of the most amazing capris in purple I have ever worn and by the counter I also sneaked a pair of sunglasses into the pile. John also bought something, two pair of shorts, both in green but in different shades. His first green shorts. They looked really good! I love him in the colourful outfits he wears.
Then we took the MRT home. I walked away from the two of them because I really needed to pee, but the elevators had trouble opening the doors so they caught up with me. Then I collapsed in the bed and read my book - almost done, soon there will be a review over at Goodreads. I ate some yoghurt before falling asleep since my dinner was nothing to brag about.
I forgot to mention the top left (blurry) photo. We crossed the roof when we walked around the two wall to wall malls and there was a large Christmas tree up there! Also a beach and ankle deep water where you were allowed to walk in. We sat down in the grass but the rain started so we quickly left.
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