Monday, 6 June 2016

A silent week

I realised I had not written anything for the blog during the last week. The two latest post were from one weekend to another. There is a simple explanation to this: I have not been feeling well.

There has not been much to tell you because of this. I have been working on my book; it is going really well and the more I talk about it with John (and others) the more it comes to life. This book feels like it is happening! I want this so much. I have got new characters and good feedback to go on. I am currently almost done with chapter five but that is the first rewrite of the story and I already want to rewrite it again. I know scenes I want to change and how the time should move... That will have to wait until rewrite two - or else I will never get this book done!

I have been gaming. When the fever struck it caused lack of imagination I just could not write any longer and so I conceded to virtual reality. I basically played everything we owned during the last week - Destiny, Assassins Creed, The Crew, Cities: Skylines, Cook Serve Delicious!, Bejewelled, some racing games and others. So much gaming that I decided to not game anything during the days this week. I have managed so far (being Monday afternoon and all...).

Ymir has been playful and a bit crazy. Been running around like a maniac and meowing real loud and intense when wanting to play. Of course I walk up to him, ask him what he wants and he would run with the tail in the air into our bedroom, fly up on the bed and lay there with his big eyes watching me as I slowly followed. I then pick up the toy and his eyes start to move after it. And so I spent the next half hour watching our kitten run around in tight circles, around fifteen without stopping, and then being dizzy and almost fall of the bed.

That is it really. I have had plans, like going to Botanic Gardens with the camera and walk around there for a while. Or head to a mall and try to do some shopping (that is much harder than it sounds). Do not know if I have been sick properly or just almost sick but it decided to give up on me and left...

Anyway. This week will be more eventful and I will hopefully have something more to write about.

Thank you for still reading this blog!

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