Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Food and Cheese - bring it to me!

John is leaving me!

Not for long, I have calculated he will be gone seven and a half days, that is 185 hours from the moment the flight lifts of until he lands. Then probably two or three more hours for the transport and getting the luggage. I am not crazy, this is just survival instinct.

And joking! Half... I did calculate it and I will count it.

He will be in Paris next week. Leaves on Saturday, comes home on Sunday the following week. Business trip and meetings at a mansion. I can not come. I will not either, even if I would like to, but we have a little kitty still too young to be left at daycare. At least that is what I think, he would probably be fine at a daycare. But even if I went with him, what would I do in Paris all alone? Better be alone in the new country I call home.

Can not believe we have been here for five months. Feels... longer... and shorter. I do not understand where the time went. I think it is because of the weather. Had we been in Sweden both of us would have panicked because it is almost the end of the second summer month out of three (or four if you Swedes are very lucky). Here, time stands still with the weather. It is always thirty something degrees, it is always between too hot and too rainy. That is what has changed the most. Keeping up with time and realising that summer will never end.

Not complaining about that. John is complaining about taking a thirteen hour flight to Paris and then thirteen hours to get home again. I would too, but I am not going. Lucky or not? The one thing I will be jealous of is the cheese... and the food. He said he would bring me some cheese from Paris but I will not have hopes until I have my cheese.

I do miss my European food. In Singapore they think that European means french fries and fried fish/chicken. That and pasta. Now pasta I can understand and even eat here, some of it is actually good. Nothing like pasta in Europe though. But what is with the french fries and fried stuff? We do not eat only junk food! How about some baked potatoes and salmon-mush?

Three days left. Start counting down to the count down...


  1. What cheese is your favorite? Promise to bring some in September :)

    1. Gorgonzola amongst the blue cheese but a good old crumbly Präst is what I miss the most. I can eat gorgonzola here, but too expensive to buy.
