Good early afternoon.
I went up early today, still trying to puzzle together a routine for myself. John already has one, with a job and all, but me, I have to take responsibility for what I am doing. So today I made myself some breakfast, Greek yoghurt with banana and orange, and watched an episode of Outlander. Even though this sounds great I need to start watching something that is not an hour long.
Either way, after that episode it was just a few minutes past ten, so not much of my morning was wasted. I immediately got dressed for the gym and headed there. There were a few people already training but the only bike was free so I mounted it and began to pedal. Clever as I am I had brought with me a book, so while my legs worked out I found entertainment in one of Lovecrafts many stories.

So now I have a few more hours to fill with more responsibility stuff. I have already wasted too many on my lunch "hour". Will write a few pages (hopefully) before I go out to find a local pet store and see what the prices are.
As I am writing this I hear thunder and see dark clouds outside the window. Perhaps the trip to the store will have to wait. Ymir (our cat) will not arrive until the last day of the month, so I have time.
No rush.