Ash and Steve came over last night. They arrived around half past seven, but they could not remember our unit number. My phone had decided to be silent so they wandered around the sixteenth floor for twenty minutes ringing doorbells. The unfortunate thing is that our doorbell does not work and has not since we moved in here. John and I actually do not like doorbells so it has worked for us. Mostly people knock on door when they is no answer to the bell. Our friends did not knock and it was only luck that I checked my phone to see their desperate calls for me to open the door! It was a bit fun, but I saved them from the corridor only three minutes before John got home.

Movie spoilers ahead.
The plan was too see a horror movie, but even though the first movie, 10 Cloverfield Lane, had been classified as horror, it really was not. The movie was slow, nothing really happened and after just thirty minutes we decided to stop. John fast forwarded and in the last few minutes something finally happened. ALIENS! Nobody expected that. It turned out this was a prequel to Cloverfield which none of us had seen. If you like psychological thrillers then 10 Cloverfield is for you, but do not get your hopes up.
We switched to The Girl with All the Gifts, a movie I have wanted to see for as long as it has been out. It was clearly a zombie movie, even though they called the zombies 'hungries' for some reason. I guess because they ate people, but that is literally what zombies do so why change the name for something that can be made fun of? We started calling them hangries, because they were hungry and angry zombies. The plot had potential and the movie was see-worthy, but I had some complains. There was a moment when a story was being told by one of the main characters, the backstory of the clever children that were born from infected mothers, and a character was walking through a hospital following a scary sound. The scene was really good and it felt like it led up to something, but it did not. It was really disappointing. The woman found a man with a straitjacket chained to the wall by his ankle. She looked at him and shot him. That was it. They could have done so much more with that scene! I would have wanted to see one of those mothers with a grotesque open wound from the throat to the vagina. The story was that the children ate their mothers from the inside. That would have been the top of the movie, to see one of those mothers, still alive (well, dead alive... zomibe alive... sorry, hungry alive... geez). From that point to the end I was just sad that it did not happened and perhaps that is why I did not like the ending. It ended with one human still alive, the girl with all the gifts had brought more of the hungries clever children and they sat down to have a class. To teach things. To learn things. Nothing zombie scary at all. Why was this movie a horror movie?
Honestly, if you want to watch a really good zombie movie, you should definitely see 28 Days Later.
It was close to midnight when the second movie ended. Ash and Steve called a taxi and excused themselves a bit too much for not helping cleaning up after us. It was not much to clean. We did not mind, but we appreciated their concerns. John and I stayed up for another hour, talking, calming down after having guests and watching a movie. Then we went to bed, fell asleep and even I slept until half past eleven this morning. Yesterday was a good day!
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