John and I have been playing this for quite some time now and just recently managed to get to the max level. I am close but not completely there because it does not matter as much to me as it does to John. He also likes the online player vs player mode more than I do, whilst I enjoy discovering every tiny accessible spot at every planet, memorising the roads and know where the unique enemies are hiding. John helps me with the PvP-quests and I help him find whatever he is looking for in the large maps.
There are three apps that we are using while playing. This helps to have access to all characters at once, the stories behind the mission and also knowing there Xûr is hiding.
Ishtar Commander
In this app you have access to all characters and the vault. This is for exchanging gear and weapons even though you are not at the Tower. Being able to change weapons with another character while in game can be crucial. Also if you are running out of space in your inventory but need to pick something up, you can also send it to another character or the vault. A valuable app for the efficient gamer!
Their official app. Full of information. First thing you will see are Latest News and Recent Patch. If anything happens while in-game then this is where to turn, they are quick to update. It is filled with stats; K/D in PvE and Crucible, latest mission, times played in different modes, medals and weapon kills. My personal favourite is the Grimoire. You might have seen it pop up when for example killing a thousand enemies and a text at the bottom of your screen is counting something. In this app you will find background stories to all enemies, unlocking them as you kill them.