Tuesday 11 July 2017

Dripping in the Dark

John is a night owl and even though I try and want to stay up late, once it is past midnight I get very sleepy. I think it has to do with that I can not sleep past ten in the morning. My inner clock wakes me up. It is possible to stay in bed and lay there thinking for hours, but I can not sleep. So when John came in to the bedroom around three in the morning I was deeply asleep, but the dripping and his voice woke me up!

What happened was that the air conditioning was leaking. Either water or some cooling fluid we do not know, but it was like an open tap. John put his towel on the floor and turned off the AC. It was still dripping though and a quick googling told him it was broken. Obviously. We could not do anything about it. I was half asleep, mumbling inaudible things to try and help. I think it annoyed him.

So, without a working air conditioning in the bedroom he brought in the floor fan. We bought it a long time ago to move the air around the apartment during the days without using ACs, hopefully saving money doing so. Though it has a night setting, it is loud and disturbing. After only a few minutes in bed, warm without the cool air and the buzzing sound of the fan, I asked if we should move out into the living room. John agreed.

At four o'clock in the morning we moved out a mattress and went to bed. There are two AC units in the living room, which is considered one too many, but at least it was cold. The bedroom was closed off so the cat would not go inside and get water, or what ever it was that was leaking, all over himself. Though in a cold room and in a bed, it was difficult to sleep. We were both exhausted when the sun rose and the cat wanted food. John was safe in the sofa, but Ymir bit me toes and licked my hair. I was awake by ten o'clock. I let John sleep until twelve before I woke him too.

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