I came home half past two last night, which is the latest I have come home in a very long time. Ash was managing an event and needed help, so I did. It was great fun and I walked away with more experience than I had before. Every opportunity I get to learn something new, I take!
I tried to sleep for as long as I could on Friday morning, knowing I would be up late. Though there is some construction work going on outside so that mission failed. Instead I took it slow during the forenoon and afternoon. Ash had said that there was food at the event that I could eat, but she was unsure whether it would be too spicy for me or not. To make sure I would survive I ate a large meal from the hawker stall around noon and then had a half pita before I left.
Ash, my temporary boss, wanted us (me and Dawn) to dress in black. I have very few clothes in black. Luckily I had a tight black dress, seldom (if ever) worn. It was size small, which is one size too small, and I figured I bought it in that because it looked better than medium. Putting it on and a pair of tights, I rode the bus for ten minutes and walked for five. It was not very far away.
I arrived early, since that is my preferred timing to everything. If you and I ever decide a time and place to meet, expect me to be there half an hour early. It felt like a great choice, since there was work to do immediately. Folding papers into envelopes, counting tickets, getting to know the staff, the owners and Ash's family. I am good at remembering faces, not so good at remembering names.
The event was a live gig by Ash's uncle's band at a carpet shop. Really expensive and large carpets. There was an open bar and a buffet, with a group of workers from that firm. Ash had asked me to do some basic "waitressing", but the firm already had guys doing that job.
At seven o'clock invited guests started arriving. Dawn was a bit late but I made do. Together we sat in the wooden swinging chair, exchanged money for tickets, put a piece of every ticket inside a Lucky Draw-bowl, stuck purple bands around people's wrists and pointed towards the open bar and gave directions to the toilets. Most of the evening went on like that, with one family member always making sure our glasses were full.
Though working, I had fun. I was with friends and I had Ash as my boss. I think she is great at her job. Her extended family was kind too and I was given a couple of compliments during the night. A man liked my smile, another my hair (once I pulled out the ribbon). But the best compliment of the night was when Ash told me she was proud that I had managed the whole evening and late into the night.
She knows me very well and therefore knows I am prone to start complaining and collapse after being outside for too long. Most people who know me, know this about me. As I said before, and a quote Annika liked, is "my body is weak, but I am not". I want to do so many things during my days, but when I can not walk I have to abort. So when Ash thanked me and said she was proud that I stayed from half past five to two in the night, it filled my heart with pride.
The firm left around eleven, leaving everything behind. Though things were cleared to be cleaned the day after, Ash and I moved around picking up empty glasses until her cousin stopped us. It was not our job, we were not paid to do that. I agree, but then again, I did nothing else so I did not mind much. We were basically done for the event but still had to wait for our ride. The buses had stopped and instead of taking a cab those ten minutes, Ash's mom was kind enough to drop me off.
Working is new to me and I feel a bit uncomfortable working while drinking. I came home a bit intoxicated and had not realised I had been drinking that much. Not that it was a lot, I just wanted to do a good job and unsure if I could while drinking. I think I did! It felt good. Coming home, John helped me to bed and for once I slept until noon!
Great job Elli!