I stopped drinking soda! This is the big step I've taken. The day before my birthday I drank two cans of Coke and though that may seem like a small amount of sugar, it caused my stomach to break and I spent the day on the toilet. I have IBS - or some sort of similar condition - and this may be the reason why I can not handle certain food or drinks. On the thirteenth this month I thought "it is time for me to feel better". Maybe soda has something to do with that, maybe not, but cutting it out completely will at least give me two good things in my life.
1. Hopefully my IBS will get better.I really could not find a reason not to. It has been two weeks since I decided to stop and I have not felt the need, the longing, the "I must have a soda right now". Though I must say I have not gone completely cold turkey. I have had two sips of Coke from John's drinks. That is it. And both those time John looked at me and tried to stop me. I understand where he comes from, that I said I should not and that before, when I have said I would quite, I have gone back. One sip and I kept drinking.
2. Soda is not good for you anyway.

It is time to feel better.
I have already made steps in the right direction by stopping my daily consumption of O'boy and proving to myself that I can break habits. I have not had O'boy since May. I wrote about it in a post called O'bye and I feel much better without it.
And no, even though soda is out of the question, I have not stopped eating sugar. I still eat ice cream and chocolate (because really, what else do you need?), and that is fine. Because this is my choice. This is me wanting to get better and not you (even though you might want me to feel better too. In that case thank you.) So if it is only me wanting to feel better, then it is not so hard. It is really simple actually.
It is easiest NOT to do something.
(Like not drinking soda.)