Friday 11 November 2016

Feeling Friday

Apparently I slept really well last night. I have had rough mornings all week and been very tired up until noon. Today I woke up very relaxed. Then John said I woke him up in the middle of the night, around three or so, and told him about my dream - that I needed dementors for my prison in the game Prison Architect. I have been playing this game every morning this week and apparently it stuck in my head. I have no memory of this dream or of John - I was happily asleep.

I have a theory of why I have been so tired. I have been to the gym three days in a row (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) but yesterday my body was sore and I gave myself a day off. I have not been working out as often as this for a very long time (maybe ever) so I think my body just needed some rest. Today I am energised!

Other news: Ymir is pretty annoying. I am trying to work, sitting here by the computer writing words, and he comes around the corner meowing. I ask him what he wants; if it is food or if the litter box is full. I follow him to the food, I refill the bowls, I give him new water and he stares at me. I clean the litter box, I clean the floor and I look at him. Then I go back to my writing and after a few minutes he comes around the corner... meowing. The only thing that has been working is cuddling. I pick him up and either he lays in my lap by the computer, purring as if really pleased with himself but only for a few minutes because then he wants to leave, or I pick him up and go to the bed/sofa and cuddle there and he is so pleased and purring. Then suddenly he lashes out and his sharp claws find the most vulnerable place on my hand and I start to bleed.

My book is going well. I am working hard on the last chapters. I have an old chapter of this part in the book, but I do not like it and have to figure new things out, which takes a little longer than expected. And this is the last event in the book - it HAS to be great!

 Have a good weekend!

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