Today I am both sad and happy to have come to the end of a long consumption of a dear product. O'boy. This morning I had a big glass of milk, filled with the chocolate powder I have so long loved, and it was the last glass of O'boy I will ever have. Better leave the product to linger as a great memory instead of slowly ruining it by keeping up the habit.
Friends and family all know about my addiction, my constant need to have a glass of O'boy every morning. I started drinking the chocolate drink as a small child, having it hot in the mornings in a very special mug of mine. I continued drinking it as a teenager, switching from hot to cold every now and then. When I met John, he of course drank it too, only not as desperately as I did.
We moved to Singapore and I was sure I would be able to quit. The product is from Sweden and I had just moved to the other side of the world. Surely I could resist and live without my cravings. I tried Milo, a chocolate drink served both hot and cold here in Singapore. Absolutely not the same, not even close, but it was chocolate and it was drinkable. I had it several times, but in less than a few weeks I had a small bag of O'boy in my possession. Annika had bought it for me at IKEA. I had not even seen it in there, but IKEA is everywhere in the world and so even Singapore had the rather famous Swedish powder. She probably bought it because I was whining too much. She is so kind!
So much so, that when Annika and Thomas came to visit us in September they brought with them six 1,1kg packages. Back then, I was overjoyed! What a thoughtful gift. I used up five of those packages in seven months. To some that might seem like a lot of time for 6,6kg, but others will realise that it was consumed by one person and that amount in seven months is a lot of sugar. There is roughly 80% sugar in O'boy. No wonder I got a muffin top. I still had one package left when I started my reset diet, saving it for when I could enjoy my lifelong chocolate companion. I spent a month without consuming sugar and I lost taste for it. Not all of it, I still enjoy chocolate bars, but they taste different. O'boy does too. It taste different.
Thus when I had my second glass after the month of nothing, I thought it no longer tasted any good. Might have been the milk, might have been me. It was not the same. I no longer had the desire to finish the big glass. It took longer than usual. O'boy, I have to say good bye. I will keep your delicious taste in my memory and not spoil it any further. Thank you for the warmth you have given me throughout my lifetime. Thank you for letting me go.
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