Good evening.
John is late and I am hungry. So in this hard time I thought I should write about my day.

What I had been doing was writing. When the writer in me awakes, time and place loose all meaning. That said, I did write some pretty good things today. I hope. I believe the chapter will be done in five to ten pages. My chapters are around thirty A4 long and no it is not handwritten. The things I like most to write about in my book are about other books in it. There are so many and there is always something new to put in one. In reality, everything worth knowing is in some kind of book, right? Therefore there are a lot of books in the world. My library contains books from all six dimensions which means there are a lot of books.
On the afternoon I walked down to take a swim. Downstairs I walked into a man and an obvious agent. I helped the agent to get inside and then walked away, but the man behind me called after me and wondered if he could ask some questions. I asked if he was considering moving in here and yes, obviously he was. He asked a few very simple questions like do you like the condo layout? I answered yes but then continued with saying that I like the facilities and the pools, the people living here are friendly and it is close to the MRT and some small malls. We talked for a bit and then separated when we came to the pool.
I jumped in. Lots of kids and a few adults. Do not understand where all the tiny humans come from! They are everywhere. I tried to swim like a normal person but ended up swimming in strange patterns to prevent the children from splashing in my face as they were all over the place. Circling around three small people I took shelter near the edge and tried to enjoy being in the pool. No, the smell of pee reached my nose. Quickly I swam away, up from the pool and headed back home.
From now on, swimming will be done when everybody else is at work or school. Luckily I do not have either.