Wednesday 6 April 2016

New Home

Hello again!

I have been absent for many reason, but now I am back and will blog as often as I find possible. There is so much to tell you. I will start with the new apartment and later write a post about the trip to Thailand with Annika.

On the 1st of April, Annika and I travelled back to Singapore and met John by Buona Vista station, even though we had told him to stay at his work and finish the day. He wanted to help move the things from the apartment, in which he had been staying for nine nights, to the new apartment in d'Leedon. John and I made two rounds in the elevator to get everything to ground level, ordered two Uber XL's and packed them once again with our stuff. Five minutes in these cars and we were there. Oh, no. Annika and I were not. This is the wrong carpark, Annika and I told the driver. It is the other carpark, we have been here before. No, said the driver and kept driving around in the wrong basement. There is no other carpark, he said and continued to circle. After a while we emerged and pointed him right. He apologized and made some bad excuse for his illusion.

John was waiting with the first round of things by the 11th block's garage elevators. He and I packed an elevator with a few bags and headed up. While John went to the apartment, said hi to our agent and their agent, I ran back and fourth to deliver the bags. Then I could say hello and we talked for a bit, until Erin reminded me that we had more stuff to get and she accompanied me down to the garage. There was no Annika, no stuff waiting, no help needed. Must be in the wrong carpark, I figured. We took the elevator to the 1st floor, went out the door and realized this is above the carpark. Tried a door that led downstairs but it was locked and we had no key. Just then the other door slid shut and we were locked out. We went around looking lost and eventually could call up to the apartment to be let inside again. Maybe we took the wrong elevator, we thought and headed back up to the 16th floor.

There we found Annika with our stuff. Apparently she is a strong woman who can transport large bags, boxes and mattresses by herself. At least we could help her bring the things to the apartment. Back there John had signed something and the agent was just leaving. Erin stayed with us while we adored our new home. Annika gave her a gift, a stuffed horse (which was apparently very suitable since the boy was born in the horse's year), and Erin gave me and John a gift; a glass bottle with lovely sweet liquid that a bunch of sticks will soak up and be turned to spread the smell. I do not know what it is called. (Annika tells me it is called yankee candle.) And chocolate.

After a few minutes of we live here now and this is an amazing view, we found ourselves hungry. At least I was. We walked to the Farrer Road MRT, less than five minutes walk, and took the train to HarbourFront and VivoCity. We split: John went to M1 to see if he could get internet to the apartment and Annika and I went to Giant. (I will confess something, I am terrible at shopping. Leave me in a store with the purpose of buying something nice, something I want and something to eat... I will run out from that store after twenty minutes. I get lost in my mind, can not understand why I am walking around in a huge store and what I am suppose to buy. It is easier to just give me a very specifik list.) While Annika searched for flipflops I walked around staring at things. Should probably put something in the cart, I thought. Wonder what it was I was suppose to go get. I stood by the bed sheets, knowing we needed it for tonight, knowing the size and that the colours did not matter and yet none managed to get inside the cart.

When Annika caught up with me I still had not put one single thing in the cart. John called and we told him where to find us. We met, he said he needed to go back to the temporary apartment because he forgot to leave the keys and left. Annika and I continue to shop. Well, she shopped while I nodded and agreed and went away to get something she told me to go get. (I think I wrote in another post that it is difficult to shop shoes with me. We can establish that it is difficult to shop with me, period.)

After around two hours we left the store with two large carts full of stuff. One full, the other only half. It was a lot. We took the elevator to the ground floor and saw a long line by the taxi stand. It is strange how many people want to stand in line for a regular cab when there is Uber. We ordered an Uber, it arrived five minutes later, while the queue had moved only three cars. The driver was very sweet and talked about his life. We came back to d'Leedon where John waited and he was surprised to find the many small plastic bags in the trunk. We also accidentally stole the drivers car oil thing.

We were back in the apartment. Packed in the critical wares in the fridge and freezer, then ate sushi and spare ribs on the balcony. John even ordered McDonalds to get completely satisfied. It is actually not so expensive to get it delivered home. After that very long day of hard work we slept badly on thin mattresses.


  1. What an adventure! And just think about it. You have your own appartment - in Singapore!!!

  2. What an adventure! And just think about it. You have your own appartment - in Singapore!!!
