Monday 2 January 2017

Catapult me into sleep

I have not slept well in a long time. I do not stay up late at night, I go to bed around eleven or twelve. John on the other hand stays up until two, three and then comes to bed. Last night I took some sleeping pills since it was the third night in a row I had not gotten many hours of sleep. When John came in around three I was still awake. I had not tried to fight the pills, I did not think about anything in particular. I just wanted some sleep, but no, I was wide awake. I am so tired and exhausted. My stomach feels weird because of this.

Today was the day John built a catapult. As you may or may not know, depending on if you read every post I write, I gave him this as a Christmas gift. We even bought glue, something we later found in the box but it was small and he needed the extra glue in the end. It took him about forty minutes perhaps and then he was taking his time and making sure everything was it its rightful place. I did not dare touch it, too afraid I might brake something. I was a good assistant though and brought him things he could need such as a wrench! In the end it looked really cool and it was functional. He catapulted a cat candy across the room with a satisfying smile on his face. I believe it was a successful gift!

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