Saturday 7 January 2017

Hospitalised Cruelty

Yesterday morning John went to the hospital for another check-up on his eye (read previous posts here). I had my own business there and so I went with him, only I am not used to getting out of the apartment before nine (not that I usually leave the apartment during the forenoon at all). We ordered an Uber and set of towards Mount Elizabeth. The radio started playing ABBA "take a chance on me" which felt oddly appropriate. We arrived twenty five minutes before the appointed time and so we went to settle my business at the hospital. But first, John needed coffee. Then I could buy one Nuvaring, which was unpleasantly expensive.

Whilst at Guardian I thought I would buy a hair oil to control my frizzy ends. I placed John and myself in front of the only shelf selling hair products and brought up LogicalHarmony. This is a site I try to scroll through every time I am about to buy a beauty product. It is entirely dedicated to categorise brands into three types of cruelty-zones. Cruelty-free, grey area and avoid. All brands selling hair oil at Guardian was on the avoid list. It was a bust. There are so many brands on the cruelty-free list but Guardian (one of the biggest franchises in Singapore) had none! Such a shame...
I will also point out that this was a Guardian at a hospital and I can not say that all of their stores have no cruelty-free products.

At the specialists little room we sat down and waited. I opened Bloons TD5 on my phone and we entertained ourselves in the very clean-smelling environment. John was called to get something dropped into his eye to once again make his pupil go freakishly wide. I did not take a photo this time but if you follow the link above you will find the same situation on photos in the previous posts. He then continued to sit next to me while the eye-drops went to work. He noticed I started chewing on my lower lip, something I am very angry about that I have started doing and do not seem to be able to stop. He gave me a lollipop that the specialists offered in a bowl, probably for kids, and I put it gladly in my mouth. It took less than an hour to get everything done.

His eye looks fine. It is still damaged but the lasering did its thing and everything looks as it is supposed to look. John still sees strange shapes in his vision and explains it as banana flies (but only sometimes). He was worried about being able to exercise and go diving but the doctor said he could do both of those things. So he is safe for now but of course he still needs to be careful.

When we left the hospital it was almost ten o'clock. When entering the sunlight we both realised it was a really bright day. Once again John had not brought his sunglasses with him, which by now both of us should have remembered since every time it has been painful to go out in strong sunlight with a widened pupil. He walked with one eye closed and one eye on the phone, I had to steer him in the right direction to get him inside the mall where we would take the MRT. We travelled together to Farrer Road where I got of to get home and John continued on a few more stations to get to work.

My day went fast. I ate the half-foot long Subway sandwich a bit early since I had gotten hungry from the events of the morning. I also spent an hour cleaning the kitchen and another hour reading this awful book. More about the book in another post; I am halfway through and I will write an entire post as a review of this. Maybe this will be the start of long reviews of books on the blog. How about that? Would you as a reader enjoy reading my opinions? John came home with food and was very tired after the long day. We ate with haste and in silence before we could even take the time to greet each other properly.


  1. Skönt att höra att det var bra med ögat!!! Syster har varit lite oroad...
