Saturday 7 January 2017

Categorised Sauce

Do not be confused over the new categories seen right underneath the header. This is just to help my readers find the posts that interest them. John helped me to figure out what they should be called and what posts should be under which name. I found it confusing too at first but now I have gone through all posts I have ever written and placed some of them under the right category.

Slice of Life - posts about me, John, our life, our friends, what happens daily, what food we eat, what events we visit etc. At this moment my blog is eighty five percent about this. This category is mostly for friends and family.

Opinions - have you seen my app recommendations? They are under this category along with posts about mainly one thing. Movie and book reviews, thoughts on Singaporean traditions, etc. Most of these posts will be focused on that topic and not rant on about something else.

More categories will be made once I figure them out. John is suggesting Writer (or my writing, my work... something like that) where I would post specific posts about my book. I have written some posts about my writing (search writing in the search box to the right) but not really about my writing. Maybe I should do that. I just do not know what I should write.


Changing topic here. We ordered pizza for dinner since neither of us could think of anything else. We need to go to a grocery store and buy food to cook at home, but right now John is not feeling well and did not feel like going outside. Well, to this pizza he ordered sauce that we thought we could drip over the pizza. In Sweden there is usually an option for having it directly on the pizza; it is kind of a thing there where almost every pizza has some kind of sauce on it. In Singapore sauce is strange to have on pizza and the ones we can order on the side are very small. John ordered a sauce called Sweet Icing Dip but on the website the sweet part was hidden. When he tried this with the pizza he discovered it was actual glaze. Like proper water and sugar glaze. To pizza? Who? Why? How? I do not understand. We had a laugh about it in any case and put it in the fridge. At least we can use it on the gingerbread.

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