Monday 10 April 2017

Diet Malfunctioning

I remember I mentioned that I would write a post about going a week on this diet. I think I forgot about that, until now. This is me, writing about it.

So, to recap a little bit. I have not consumed any lactose, gluten, sugar or alcohol since the beginning of April. Natural sugar, the kind you find in fruits, is totally fine. I drink a lot of juices and eat a lot of vegetables. I get my protein from meat, usually chicken (because chicken is cheapest), and carbs from brown rice, plus other goodies. To top it all up I take a big vitamin pill every day just to make sure I get everything my body needs.

I can tell that I feel different. I am hungry all the time. Not sure if that is good, but John reassures me it is for the better. Eventually I will feel less hungry. All I can think of is that I am shrinking my stomach, which I am confident is not a good thing. It feels like it is shrinking anyways. I think I may have lost some kilos, not sure how many since I never weighted in before I did the challenge and I have not done it since. Looking at the little hips though tells me that some small amount has been lost, not that this diet is suppose to slim the body and I am definitely not doing it for losing weight.

The diet is aimed at figuring out what your body is sensitive to. This is really why I am doing it since I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Frustratingly enough the diet has not made any progress with that, it has actually made it worse. Which means that it goes through my body too quickly to process it fully - which leads to me getting hungry ever so quickly.

On a positive note - I have been cooking a lot more these past week. Since I met John around four years ago I have never really had any say in the kitchen. He is a hobby chef, a good one too, and I am a clumsy knock-kneed fumble-finger that do not know anything about spices or right temperatures. Since I am mostly eating vegetables, which requires little knowledge of how to cook, I can focus on the one small item that I do put on the stove. Today I made a bunch of vegetables and reheated the chicken we had for dinner yesterday. Yes, I know, there was no how to spice the chicken but I did that one day last week and it came out... okay. It was a little week in taste, but cooked alright. Edible, would be my rating.

Surprisingly enough, the big thing that I miss the most is lactose. John thought that it would be the sugar that I would crave, but honestly, I am dying to eat some cheese, have a glass of cold milk or some Greek yoghurt with müesli. Only twenty days left... I can do it!

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