Wednesday 21 June 2017

Why I would be a good candidate to live on Mars!

This might be misleading as I am mostly talking about seasons; why I dislike them for various reasons (unexpected rhyme), but at the end of this post there is a paragraph about why I would like to live on Mars. Do not skip ahead though! You will miss the why...

Summer has officially started. Depending on where you are in the world, it has been going on for a while or really just started. For me, living in Singapore, summer slowly crept up and surprised me. Singapore is a tropical country, meaning there are not any defined seasoned more than rainy season and haze season. One could say summer lasts all year around, and though it does, summers here are more extreme. The temperature increase a bit, from the lowest ~25°C in "winter", to the highest ~31°C in "summer", but it is the rain, the humidity, the clouds and the winds that really defines the seasons here.

I love summers. Back in Sweden that was my favourite season. Was it because I was born in late summer? Was it because there was no need to get up early and go to school? I think both of these question-marks has a yes as answer. Lately I have been wondering what I like about summers, but all I can list are the things that I do not like.

  • Ants (especially since I have a phobia).
  • Sweating.
  • Getting burned by the sun.
  • Obnoxious teens.
  • Inconsiderate kids.

Honestly, I can probably find more things, but that would be kind of depressing. I thought I liked the heat, and I believe I still do, but at the same time I loathe being sweaty. The smell is not so bad, at least not mine, it does not bother me nor anyone else as it seems, but it is the wetness, the trickling down my back, the moist in the armpits. Ugh. I can not stand it. Also, I am sorry not sorry for being annoyed by younger people. I am sure I was the same at that time of my life. In my early twenties though I find the teenagers too loud, taking space, being rude and in the way. Not listening to the people around them and not caring about the environment. Maybe I exaggerate, maybe I recall my own teenage years...

Knowing how I have started to dislike summer I have started to considerate other seasons as well. Do I enjoy them? If not summer, then which one is my favourite? I am not a big fan of winter. It is too cold. When I was a teenager and walked to school in the mornings, I would arrive with black streaks underneath my eyebrows from when my mascara froze and melted against my skin. Walking around in thick boots with thick socks never worked either, I always came in with wet feet anyway, hating it. I just really do not like being wet. Whether from sweat or snow...

I think autumn and spring are my best bets, though autumn usually cause long trail of ants, stocking up food and other things for the winter. I believe spring is the winner, but obviously not my first choice, I have the perfect solution.


There are no seasons there. I will not sweat from the heat, not get burned by the sun (because I will be in a spacesuit), not have the need for makeup and never walk around with wet feet. I hope. I dream. Would I be qualified to be send to Mars? I do not think so. I am young, unfit, have no survival skills and yet... I dream of going. Not without John though, I would never leave this planet without him! They sent out the request for people to join the Mars mission in 2015 and when I saw these posters I thought I might have a chance. They need every type of human being: why not an... author? Teacher? I am not sure what I am though. Maybe that is the problem? Maybe I can be a surveyor, stand on a cliff all day and... survey the landscape. If so, I should really pick up painting. I could send you some really nice, or half decent, artworks.