Plague Inc.
Free to play.
Unlock cheats for ~$10.
Available on Google Play, App Store and Steam.
Developed by Ndemic Creations.
Published by Miniclip.
The game-play is simple. Kill the human race. You are a pandemic and your will use DNA points to increase your infection rate, spreading speed and effective killing. Start as a simple bacteria and as you win in this stage you unlock the next plague. It gets harder and harder and you will have to try different strategies for each plague type. The game starts when you pick a country where your infection will begin. The DNA points and other bubbles that pop up will help you collect enough points to evolve - how to transmit the plague, the symptoms of it and the unique abilities it has. Choosing poorly will give the humans a chance to develop a cure. There is always a cure. Be sure to keep an eye on it. Once the cure is at 100% the game is over. The world that you fought to infect and ultimately kill will be cured incredibly fast.
Needless to say, this is a very addictive game. It is simple enough to start quickly and be done in a few minutes, perfect for those who wants a game to play while in the bathroom, on the train, waiting in line for food, etc. It is hard enough to challenge your decisions and it escalates in difficulty quite satisfyingly.