On Saturday we cleaned. Once in a while we do one of those clean-everything-days. We had a brunch consisting of half a big bread for each of us, cut into three smaller sandwiches. John carved out some thin pieces of chicken teriyaki we had left from a previous dinner and some slices from a very good cheese. I chose to have mine cold but he warmed his in the oven. On top of this he put cucumber and served. Delicious!
We then proceeded the lunch-hours sitting by the computers, gaming a little, catching up on news and such things. Eventually we felt the need to start. I walked around the apartment picking up things and putting them down in another place. I cleaned surfaces and removed everything from the floor. John vacuumed and mopped the floors. I did the dishes and so on. We cleaned everything that was dirty.
We were so tired in the evening but tried to stay up late because we knew we would stay up late the following evening as well. Finally I went to bed while John stayed up a few more hours. I was sound asleep when he came in so I have no idea for how long he stayed up.
Next morning, Sunday, we had... oh, no. I have no idea if those deliciously good sandwiches were consumed on Saturday or Sunday. Like I said, this weekend felt shorter than a full day.

Our guests arrived from seven and later. First came a woman that immediately started making a salad. It was a really good salad! She is a salad-making-master. I did not give her enough credit for it. There is a norm in Singapore that when a lot of people meet at a friends home you bring food for everyone to eat. So another guest brought one hundred chicken wings. Others brought mushrooms, guacamole, chips, alcohol and so on.
We started with casual chatter until John started the laptop, connected it to the TV and started a game called Jackbox Party Pack 2. It is a bundle of smaller games. We played Fibbage where one person chose topic and everyone writes a lie that fits into the presented sentence. Then all lies pop up on the screen and you pick one. The truth is just as silly as all the other answers, so it is tricky to get it right. I was really bad at this game. There were three or four people that always stayed in the top.
We also played Resistance for a few rounds, started with seven players and ended up with ten. It was loud as the game should be played. First round I was resistance but John of course would not believe me. I accused him and he did not deny it which kind of blew his cover, but only for me. That is the hard part of playing these games as a couple because you know the person all to well. Next round I was a spy but never got suspected. We were four spies and I did a smooth play in the end with bringing three spies to the last mission.
First person to leave left around eleven. Later three more people left. It was getting late. We played another game online which I barely grasped but kind of understood. I started to get really tired. Around one in the night people thought about leaving. Smokers went out on the balcony for yet another cigarette. I prepared my evil glare when they would get back inside. I do not mind the people, I like them, but it is the smoking that is killing them and gives me a headache. While they were outside the ones still indoors helped us clean. All the dishes back to the counter, all the food into the fridge and all their things back into bags.
Then we hugged, said good bye, I hugged a girl twice and then we were alone. I was exhausted. It was so much fun! I am an introvert so being this social really tears me down. It was almost two when we finally lay in bed. I think both of us went to sleep quickly.
Ymir was very popular during all of this. A few knew his breed straight away. It was fun to hear them pronounce his Swedish name. It was fun to teach some Swedish words. Especially "sju" which is really difficult.
Thank you everyone for coming!
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