Thursday 6 October 2016

Sneaking ice cream

Yesterday we met a couple of people from the chat. I was not in the best of moods; my head was pretty loud and a headache was starting just as I was about to leave. Nevertheless I went.

John suggested that I took the MRT to One-North, were I would meet him, and then we would take a twenty minute taxi to Bugis, where we would be meeting the people. So I did, leaving early to get some extra air. Only half regretting it since it was pretty warm outside and I got sweaty by just sitting in the shadow. John left work, met me where I had been for half an hour, and we walked towards a taxi pick-up point. Instead of standing in the queue for a regular one we tried Uber, but the estimated route was not what we had seen on Google Maps and the price was so much higher than the MRT would be.

So we took the MRT. I travelled back the fifteen minutes to our station, but we kept going. Changed at Botanic Gardens and went off at Bugis. There we confirmed in the chat where we would meet and we walked around lost for a while. Eventually we found one guy, later another, then a third and a girl. Finally I met a girl from the group! We ate ramen, I had to eat with a fork since it was too difficult for me with sticks, and had some beers. Talked about everything; accents, Sweden, games, people, etc.

Then we had ice cream. Well... three people had very expensive ice cream and I ate from my new friend. The time neared ten o'clock and I wanted to go home, head still aching and I was tired (had been woken up early by the cat). They were friendly people and I look forward to meeting them again. Next time maybe do something more interactive. Karaoke anybody?

In the long corridor leading to d'Leedon we saw this big creepy thing. John tried to make you see how big it was by comparing it to me, but I do not know if it shows. It had lost a leg so I felt sorry for it. Did not stop me from not standing directly underneath it though.

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