At first I was not sure I wanted to go. I felt very unsocial. This changed after two glasses of wine and a caffeine tablett. Please do not judge here because we slept poorly. Ymir has begun to wake us up early in the morning by attacking the blinds. He does not listen to no,stop that. He does not go away when we gently throw him off the bed and when we close the door behind him he starts to meow and it goes on for hours.
Around four I decided I wanted to go. I felt better, a bit tipsy, and I have not been social in over a week. So I straighten my hair and John and I colour-coordinated our outfits. We packed my new bag with two Marabou chocolate cakes and a bag of Ahlgrens cars. I also put down ice-cold water because I did not want to rely on drinking alcohol the whole evening when I had already started.
We took the MRT one station, because we were kind of late and did not want to waste any time walking. Crossed the street and entered Cold Storage. There we bought two packages of six hot dogs and three packages of four hot dog breads. We also bought some cheap and unknown brand of beer which were cold. This was mainly the reason for John to go here.

We waited outside the locked door until the host answered his phone and came to let us in. He was very sweet and friendly and I instantly liked him. We introduced ourselves to a bunch of people, meeting Swedes which felt weird since our secret language was no longer secret. They were all very friendly too though. Food was on the table and our sausages were already on the grill. I had some watermelon while I waited and a beer after that. I tried to talk to people but anytime I stood by John they talked about work... which I of course could not discuss. I did find two people, a couple, who were really nice and interesting. They liked board games and we like board games so match made over wood (as in board games).
The condominium was really nice. The pool was large and had loungers in the water. We also got invited to visit the apartment and it was really big and so nice. They had four cats which was really cosy. I would like to live there, only problem I see is that it is far away from John's work so I would not go in to have lunch with him very often and also the view was of high rise buildings. I like our view at d'Leedon very much and it was a huge part of why we picked this apartment. Even though the quality of the place is not top notch.
We left around half past nine. I was starting to feel unsocial again. We left the candy behind but retrieved the sausages and bread. Said goodbye to people and looked for the host. He was upstairs to put the kids to bed but as we were moving towards the door we saw him coming down. Could not leave without saying goodbye to him so we met him halfway, hugged and talked while we walked. Then we left.
After switching trains at Botanic Garden a man knocked on John's shoulder. Are you American? he asked. John answered we were Swedes and the man said Oh, if you were American I had good news. John being curious, since this clearly was a click-bait situation, asked what the news was and the man exclaimed Trump is winning!
We then spent a few minutes listening to this man talk about how everything in the west is falling apart. He thought that Swedes and Americans were essentially the same. He said that ISIS should be tortured and not be given American breakfast. Everything was Christianity's fault. People were too nice and loving. John and I had to keep it together to not laugh out loud. We did not need to participate in this monolog. It was quite interesting and we felt uplifted once we left him the next station. Immediately we let the people in the chat know about this and also called John's parents.
Sharing these small experiences with people you like can really change your mood. It was so nice talking to his parents even if it only were for a couple of minutes.
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