John slept until twelve. I was up around nine. We slept with the door to our bedroom shut but that did not stop the cat from waking me up. I spent my morning gaming and reading, got things done and made myself ready for the day. I considered waking John since we had plans at one o'clock, but when I told our friends that he was still sleeping we moved the plans an hour. When John eventually was ready to leave the bed it was thirty minutes until the bus arrived outside.
One thing I have noticed with calculating the travel time in Singapore is that most apps (like Google Maps, Moovit, Citymapper) says it will take twenty minutes with car. No matter where you are and where you are going, the estimated time will be twenty minutes.
It was lovely to sit on the bus and travel for so long. At first there were only a few people on board, but when we were at our destination it was crowded. We got stuck in traffic a lot even though it said on the apps that it was "moderate traffic" in our area. I do not want to experience the "heavy traffic" in Singapore. Seems like nothing would be moving and walking would probably go faster.
John and I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes past one. We took a table outside and the waitress asked if we wanted to order something. No, not yet, we are waiting for friends. Ash and Steve were only a few minutes away. A few minutes later the same woman came out and asked if we were ready. No, our friends are not here yet. She handed us a breakfast menu to promote that the restaurant was open in the morning, if we ever wanted to go forty to fifty minutes on bus to get breakfast (although, she could not know we lived so far away). The breakfast looked nice, too bad I could not have a waffle for lunch.

It started to rain while we ate and since this is Singapore, when it rains it is like someone tipped a bucket of water and it just keeps coming. The sound above us was cosy but it made it impossible to hear each other without raising our voices. By the time we had finished our meals and decided where we should head next the rain had gone but the clouds were still above us. We crossed the street to have some coffee and tea. While sitting around a small table at a café they started telling jokes. When I say they I mean the three of them since I am unable to tell jokes. John had to work his way up to a dollar but never managed to tell a 50 cent worthy joke. He got the coin in the end though, but just because they owed us a dollar to start with.
Ash said we could come over to their place but I did not feel so good. It was around half past five already and I needed to lie down in a sofa. They kindly drove us to Bugis so we did not have to take the bus and it was more convenient for us to take the blue line to Botanic Gardens. I adore this couple a lot; they are very friendly, two very different types of personalities that works well together, are very relaxed and can change plans in last minute without drama or problems. Really good and genuine people.
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