Yesterday we took the bus over to one of John's colleagues and friend. She and her fiancé lived at a very nice condo with several pools in a well designed area. So much so that I imagined living there myself. The fiancé was away on a business trip, but hopefully we will meet him one day.
Jesse lived on the fourth floor. We tried to get inside an elevator but received no answer on the intercom. A family opened the door for us and we went with them in the elevator. At the fourth floor, which this family apparently also lived, we discovered that the elevator led directly to their balcony. There was no way for us to get off there so we went down to the basement. We found another door with another intercom and called Jesse from it. This time we got an answer, went up the elevator leading to the hallway and knocked on the door.
Jesse opened the door and immediately remarked upon my height. We laughed and entered the apartment. Two dogs came over to greet us. A bulldog named Dumpling, because he looked like one, and a chow poodle called Sumo. The owner made sure I was not scared of dogs before letting them roam freely. I think that was very good of her to do, very responsible. I liked her instantly. Heidi was there as well. We had not met in quite a while, so it was nice to catch up a bit.

We moved indoors and gathered around the living-room table. The sofa was large and soft, but a bit too far away from the table. I asked if we could move the table closer. Jesse said it would be impossible since it took four strong men just to get it inside the apartment. The table was extremely heavy. John and I put pillows on the floor to get closer instead. Heidi had brought Betrayal at House on the Hill and explained the game to Jesse who had never played it before. I had only played it once before and was glad to hear the explanation. It felt like a quick game. We never explored the roof nor the basement, until John became the traitor. Strangely enough the game made the three of the women the traitors and we transformed into ghosts.
John moved to another room and we read the new rules. It was more complicated than before and we were pretty sure we messed up the rules during the fights. When two characters were in the same room the ghost was supposed to pick an object and hurl it at John. We agreed on which objects we were allowed to use and decided the three of us decided on one of them. John could easily guess which one we had written down since we had talked about what to call them. We think that is where we screwed up, John should not have known what we called the objects. During the last two fights we changed so no words were spoken about the objects and John still had to guess what we called them. For example, the rug running along the hallway, we wrote down runner rug. The statues in three corners of the room we called stone busts. This made is much harder for John and it gave us an actual chance to stop him. Not sure who won that game though.
It was getting late but before we left we played one quick round of Monopoly Empire. John usually does not like Monopoly but this was different. Did not feel like Monopoly at all. We kind of liked it. Each of us moved around the board buying brands and stacking them in our building. First one to reach the top won, which was John in the end. Maybe a game we should buy. I think we need to play it again to see if it really is something we would like to own. Another game to add to the list! It is so much fun playing board games with friends.
Thank you for having us!
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