Sunday 7 May 2017

Event Horizon - movie review

Have you heard of Warhammer 40K? If so, then I highly recommend watching Event Horizon. Though it has not been an official statement, this movie is speculated to be a homage to the Warhammer universe.

Humans have colonised the moon, started mining on Mars and a space vessel, the Event Horizon, was sent out in 2040 to reach the edge of our solar system. The ship disappears without a trace outside of Neptune and mysteriously reappears seven years later in 2047. A rescue ship, Lewis and Clark, is sent out to investigate. Dr. William Weir, who created the advanced engine of Event Horizon, is taken to his creation. This is where the movie starts and we immediately get the information we need to know that something is terribly wrong. Event Horizon was not sent out to reach the end of our solar system, that was a lie spread to the world. The real reason is much more unlikely, but unfortunately very true.

Though John agrees with IMDB to put this movie under the horror category, I myself will place it in thriller. There is not a lot of pop-up-scares and though some scenes are gruesome, they are fast and difficult to see. It is a suspenseful movie where you sit watching with anticipated anxiety. All you want to know is if someone will survive to the end. Event Horizon is not for the faint-hearted. It demands attention and a cold stomach.

When released in 1997 it was a total failure at the box office. With a production budget of A$60 million, it only made A$26.7 million. I had never heard of it until I searched for a list of space movies. Since it is still mentioned and recommended online, this movie can be considered as a cult classic.

In conclusion, Event Horizon is a must see for all space-fans out there! If you enjoy the concept of the movie I highly recommend the Warhammer books, found under the name Horus Heresy. They share the same psychological horror and Gothic architecture. There are more things they have in common, but I will avoid spoiling them.

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