Sunday, 21 May 2017

Two Catsteps

It was a first time twice today for our young maine coon Ymir. Some things are just for the cat interested to read, this post is one of them. Sensitive readers wary of bodily fluids will be advised not to read any further.

The cat woke us up all too early for a Sunday. At seven o'clock in the morning he would not stop with his meowing and, after a soft nudge from John's foot, I reluctantly went up to feed him. At the time I saw nothing, oblivious to the world and longing to go back to the soft pillow and warm blanket. Ymir was quiet for another hour but started with his singing around half past nine again. This time I was closing in on being wide awake and decided to go up in just a few minutes.

After a quick shower I went out to the living room again. This time around I could not avoid seeing the yellow splash of puke on the floor. The stench was spreading throughout the apartment and I quickly turned on the AC. In the middle of the yellow puddle was a bunch of whole pieces of Ymir's dry food. A few steps further in on the carpet lay a flat hairball. Well, if it was flat, then maybe I should call it hairlength... hairpiece.

This was the first time he puked and had a hairball. Though he has pooped in the shower once in the early days of him moving in, we have never had any other problems. The diet is of very good quality wet food, served twice a day, and he still eats dry food for kittens, since it contains more proteins than the ones aimed at older cats. It is still unclear why he puked and had a hairball, it is supposed to be unusual. He seemed fine though and had no more complaints about it. Probably happened early morning and he tried to wake us up to get some help cleaning it. Probably...

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