Tuesday 1 March 2016

Company in form of a Mother-in-law

This morning John had trouble getting out of bed. Apparently I was really cosy and he slept an half hour longer because of this. Me, well, I was sleeping the whole time.

After he got to work I started my work as well. Have not been writing for a while with the move from Stockholm and then the new world here, but today I did. I am not really writing, just sorting good things I wrote a while ago from one document to another. Chapter three.

I went upstairs and swan ten lengths in the pool and just hung out there all alone for a few hours. Hoped that the cleaning lady would be down here doing her work, but she was a no show today. Hopes are up for tomorrow!

My lunch was a cheap and simple IKEA hot dog, a small mug with Coke and ice cream. I was going to eat at the restaurant on the upper floor, but the queue was long and the food did not look as great as the pictures.

I stayed at home working. At half past five Annika tells us the has landed in Singapore. Half an hour later I go outside to greet her. I waited there for another half hour until the taxi with her in it drove up. I was sweating from standing still for that long.

We get the bags up to the room and take another half hour just to settle things and freshen up a bit after the flight. Eventually we go to the MRT, John waited at work for us to meet him at the nearest station. We bought a card for Annika since she will be staying here a month or two and then John meets us at one-north.

We travelled to HarbourFront/VivoCity and ate at a food court we have visited earlier. At first we went the wrong way and found another court, but after scanning the area I decided that I really wanted that salmon I ate there last time. Even though John thought that the first court had a more impressive decoration.

Dinner was easy and good. The lady behind the counter did not understand that I wanted a bigger meal, instead she was really proud that she gave me the biggest pieces of salmon. Maybe it was the large soda that eventually got me full.

Then we proceeded downstairs to Giant and looked for a bed, towel, water, etc. After a long while we came out with a big mattress, an inflatable mattress and four bags of food and other things. Successful shopping at last!

Tomorrow is another day, let us see what it brings.
Good night.

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