The parade is held at the Stadium and I found some pictures from a preview on 23rd of July. A preview! This looks like an Olympic opening! I have no idea what they would have done if they were to actually have one. I would love to attend. We thought that it would be free for all since most National day celebration is, but apparently no. First of all you need a ticket to enter the Stadium. The only way to acquire a ticket is to enter a lottery. Depending on your luck you will receive a ticket to this amazing-looking celebration. We found out about this yesterday. Maybe next year, yes?
Link to the official National Day Parade site:

It looks amazing, right? I can not believe I am missing this. Our friend told us it is mandatory for every Singaporean to attend at least once and this is why she did not want to go now. I do not understand. Was it bad? Was it because she had to once and that is why she does not want to again? Who would not want to go see this every year for free (if you are lucky)?
I looked deeper at the story of Singapore and since every country seems to have some ridiculous unearthly superpowered being doing something great for the country to mark the start... I had to see this video. It does not make much sense to me but maybe the people of Singapore really believe this. I hope not, because it would be ridiculous. No offence.
Ja det var ju lite skillnad på detta och folkdräkter på Skansen :)