Wednesday, 3 August 2016

This is the reason

Two weeks have passed and this blog has been empty of posts. I have a very good reason for it too and it will all be explained if you continue reading.

I was sick. There it is. Explained and all.

John left for Paris on the 23rd. I was home alone and so I went to the gym on Sunday and Tuesday. Then I got fever and a bad cold. Lets just call it that. My period started and I had cramps. Ymir was playful and I was stuck in the sofa. The previously filled up fridge was almost completely empty by the end of the week. I ate what I could find the strength to cook - three rice and chicken meals and too many toasts. I was miserable.

John on the other hand was in a beautiful landscape in a sealed of mansion close to a small town that he told me was simply just a street with houses. He ate good food and had fun with new colleagues. He got thrown in the pool with his clothes on and he smashed a whole lot of plates with a hammer.

His flight from Paris to Singapore got cancelled and so he took a longer flight to China. In China the other plane was delayed by two hours and so he came to Singapore 01:00. Came to the apartment around two. I had stayed up since he first was supposed to land here at three, then eleven and then two. I could not stay awake, I slept twenty minutes before he came through the door and woke me up. But he was home and I was happy! No sleeping alone that night at least. That was why I stayed awake.

Monday he took the day of work to get things straight in his head. Jetlag and all. Fixed the eating times, slept not too long and went to bed not too late. Watched movies, ate dumplings (I had cravings since I did not have the energy to go outside to buy it on my own), cuddled and talked.

So today it is Wednesday already. I am feeling much better even though my nose is still not helping me breathe. Sometimes I feel like I have a fever but John tells me no, but then I feel fine and he tells me I have fever. I think I am broken. John is working and has a lot to do so the planned lunch did not happen. I hope it happens soon.

Great week, huh?


  1. Ingen vidare vecka :(

    Men nu är John hemma så då måste väl allt bli bra va :)
